Good News! On July 24, 2014, a wonderful friend gave Bob the Gift of Life. Bob's new kidney is working fantasticly well, and he is doing great! His donor, Ray, is doing well, too. Ray is the most unselfish person we have ever met, and we can't thank him enough. Nevertheless, THANK YOU, RAY!
Hi, my name is Bob Evans. No, not the restaurateur, but husband to Suzi, father of 3 grown children, and grandfather of 10 adorable grandchildren, ages 3 to 18. Suzi and I have been married 43 years; she is the love of my life and my strongest supporter. I'm also a US Army veteran and former National Guardsman.
I’m a local history buff. I enjoy collecting old local high school yearbooks and sifting through the volumes of old newspaper books I’ve amassed. I love watching 50’s and 60’s television shows and am a trivia fan. Recently, I had the opportunity of participating in “The Brain Games,” a fund-raising event for our local historical society.
Membership in the Lions Club, Masonic Lodge, and church keep me busy when I’m not working. I’ve owned a body repair business for 50 years, and I hope to continue working for many more. I also enjoy transporting life’s precious cargo--our children--to school...I'm the bus driver! Most of all, I cherish spending time with my children, grandchildren, and other family members.
Due to a hereditary disease called Immunoglobulin A Nephropathy (IgA), my kidneys are failing. IgA is an antibody; if it lodges in the kidneys, it causes inflammation and eventually damages their ability to filter waste. Because it’s a hereditary disease, no one in my family is able to donate a kidney to me.
Soon, I will have to begin dialysis and will be placed on the list for a deceased-donor kidney. However, the wait for a deceased-donor kidney in my part of the country is about 4 years. Because of my age (64), blood type, and the fact that my health will decline the longer I wait, living donation is the best option for me. Equally important, a kidney from a living donor generally lasts about 20 years, whereas one from a deceased donor lasts about 10.
I have Type O blood, but because my transplant center, Indiana University Hospital, participates in paired donation, it’s possible for anyone of any blood type to donate. You do not have to be a resident of Indiana, and all medical expenses are covered by my insurance company. For donors who do not live nearby, programs that cover transportation, lodging, meals, and car rental are available.
If you would like to be tested to determine whether you could be a match for me, you can get in touch with me on my Facebook page, Bob's Kidney Kampaign. Or, you may contact my transplant center directly at 800-382-4602 or 317-944-4370. Either of the Living Donor Coordinators, Kelly Coffey or Tracy Perry, can provide information and answer questions. Please let them know that you are calling about Robert A. Evans (not Bob, as there is more than one of us.)
Thank you for taking the time to read my story and for considering being my living donor. If you are unable to donate but would like to help, please share my story with others. Thank you, and may God bless.