Hi! My name is Adrienne. I'm 32 years old and live in Miami, Forida. When I was 11 years old, I was diagnosed with lupus. Lupus is a disease that attacks the immune system, and it eventually attacked my kidneys. For a long time, my doctors were unable to control it. Now, however, with technology and medicine, it is very much under conrol. For that I am thankful.
Ever since I was placed on dialysis about 2 years ago, my life has changed dramatically. I'm no longer able to do a lot of activities I once was able to do, such as going to the beach, swimming, taking showers, or participating in activities that cause one to perspire. (I have a special dialyisis catheter that, due to the risk of infection, cannot get wet.) So I have gone from a pretty active lifestyle to one that's fairly sedentary. Unfortunately, I'm also unable to work, which makes my situation especially difficult. I look forward to the day I can return to work and once again enjoy an active lifestyle!
I've been on the list for a deceased donor for a year, but the wait in my area is about 3-5 years. Moreover, my doctor is encouraging me to find a living donor because the kidney will be healthier and last much longer than a deceased-donor kidney. (A kidney from a living donor lasts about 20 years, whereas one from a deceased donor lasts only about 10 years. In fact, there are close to a dozen advantages to receiving a kidney from a living donor as compared to receiving one from a deceased donor.) Many of my family members and friends have volunteered to donate to me, but unfortunately no one is a match.
I have Type O blood, but because my transplant center, Jackson Miami Transplant Institute, participates in paired donation, a person of any blood type can donate. In fact, you can read in detail about Jackson's paired donorship program by taking a look at their Living Donor Paired Kidney Exchange Consent form.
My insurance takes care of all testing and transplant-related medical bills, and you do not have to be a resident of Florida to donate. Programs are available to help donors who live far away with transportation, lodging, meals, and car rental.
I know there is an angel out there who will help give my life back to me. If you or someone you know is interested in being tested to see if you could be my donor, please contact my transplant coordinator, Jimmy Herrera, toll-free at 877-999-9298 or locally at 305-355-5433. If you would like to contact me directly, please feel free to e-mail me at alexcia23adri@gmail.com.
Thank you for taking the time to read my story. If you are unable to donate but would still like to help, please share my story with others. Thanks so much!
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